Meet Tyler

Tyler De Freitas, Mystic and Yogi is focused on the profoundness of the human experience of life! Motivated by the beauty of the moment, he is compelled to share the wisdom of his many Teachers and Mentors. Starting Martial Arts as a young boy built the foundation of his journey. Tyler received the 5 Tibetan Rights, initiating the quest to deepen his understanding of the path inward and the transcendence of Yoga. His journey into yoga continued with studies in Classical Haṭhayoga & Kundalini Yoga. He has devoted his life to upholding the Light and Truth through Ancient Teachings. Tyler is continuously furthering his knowledge by studying with international Teachers and Masters.


"The source of joy and ecstasy is within. Once you have unlocked this potential these external luxuries are simply tools on the journey."

Yoga helps you to elevate where you’re at and understand that you have way more potential than you think you do.